Our unique expertise, combined with Jewers ongoing investment in advanced facilities, enables us to quickly solve customer problems, increasing the value of their grain. Here are recent examples ...
Video showing the removal of Ad-Mixture from Beans
Client C has a store of wheat with an insect infestation. Jewers collect and treat the grain, then screen to remove the dead insects and eggs. The grain is then redelivered according to client's specific instruction.
Client D has 200 tonnes of oats with rat droppings in them. Jewers collect the oats, colour sort the rat droppings and store the oats until the client has decided when they can take delivery. Jewers then deliver the cleaned oats successfully.
Client E has 1000 tonnes of imported barley to dry, clean and store. Jewers collect the barley, dry to the required moisture, clean to the required standard and then store until the client requires delivery.
Client A has 20 containers of organic wheat in bulk which he needs to unload, store and redeliver to end users. Jewers liaise with the import agent and haulier to ensure that the containers are collected and returned to the dock without incurring demurrage. The containers are unloaded, swept clean and the wheat is stored safely and in good condition. The client’s customer requests delivery every week and the wheat is delivered by Jewers precisely at the time required.
Client B has 500 tonnes of malting barley with an ergot contamination. Jewers collect the barley and colour sort it to remove the ergot. The barley is then redelivered on the required date to the end user, on time and on budget.